Using the most modern of technologies from mobile cranes to heavy materials handling equipment up to an extensive fleet of forklift trucks – we can guarantee the maximum possible guidance of efficiency and reliability of handling and storing your goods.
Technical equipment
Quay-side : 600 m length of quay, 3 seagoing vessels berths
Water depth: sea level – 13 m
Flood protection up to normal sea level + 7,50 m
Railroad line : 1.800 m
Loading and transport technologies
Crane equipment
- 2 LHM 600 Liebherr mobile harbour crane with 208 t lifting capacity, in combined twin-operation more than 400 t
- 2 LHM 500 Liebherr mobile harbour cranes, each with 140 t lifting capacity
- more than 40 forklift trucks/Container Reach-Stacker,
lifting capacity up to 50 t - 80 terminal trailers up to 150 t
- 4 towing vehicles